Who we are
The CRAMC is made up of interdisciplinary quality research groups from the URV who are involved in measuring and evaluating behavior.
One of these groups is specialized in models of measurement and statistical analysis techniques and in developing questionnaires in the field of personality assessment (Methodology Group). We also have groups that study the faculty of language (Psycholinguistics Research Group), assessment of occupational health, human resources, innovation and entrepreneurship and psychosocial risks (Spitzen Value, Human Resources Group), the infant and child psychopathology: Epidemiology, evaluation and risk factors in follow-up studies (Nutrition and Mental Health Group), the predictive psychosocial factors of chronic pain and disability in different age groups in relation to various problems (Algos Group), neurotoxicology, psychopharmacology, neuropsicology and emotions (Toxicology Group) and the environmental and genetic factors affecting disease and health in aging (Neurolab Group).
These groups all work collaboratively to study behavioral assessment in their fields.
Research Groups
Spitzen Value, Human Resources |
Members |
Dr |
Boada Grau, Joan |
Full Professor (Coord) |
Dr |
Serrano Fernández, María José |
Postdoctoral researcher |
Dr |
Sora Miana, Beatriz |
Tenured Associate Professor |
Group: ALGOS009 - ALGOS |
Recerca en dolor |
Members |
Dr |
Miró Martínez, Jordi |
Full Professor (Coord) |
Dr |
Castarlenas Solé, Elena |
Researcher (MEC) |
Dr |
Solé Pijuán, Ester |
Assisant Professor |
Dr |
Sánchez Rodríguez, Elisabeth |
Tenured Associate Professor |
Ms |
Garriga Cazorla, Helena |
Grantholder |
Ms |
Martí Yáñez, Lorena |
Grantholder |
Dr |
Llorens Vernet, Pere |
Mr |
Roman Juan, Josep |
Grantholder |
Group: GIPURV09 |
Grup d'investigació en psicolingüística |
Members |
Dr |
Ferré Romeu, Pilar |
Tenured Associate Professor |
Dr |
Demestre Viladevall, Josep |
Tenured Associate Professor |
Dr |
Guasch Moix, Marc |
Tenured Associate Professor |
Mr |
Rivera Guajardo, Daniel |
Assitant Professor |
Mr |
Haro Rodríguez, Juan |
Tenured Associate Professor |
Escalament de Variables Psicològiques i Desenvolupament de Qüestionaris |
Members |
Dr |
Ferrando Piera, Pere Joan |
Full Professor (Coord) |
Dr |
Vigil Colet, Andreu |
Full Professor |
Dr |
Lorenzo Seva, Urbano |
Full Professor |
Dr |
Tous Pallarés, Jordi |
Tenured Associate Professor |
Dr |
Morales Vives, Fabia |
Tenured Associate Professor |
Dr |
Dueñas Rada, Jorge |
Mr |
Navarro González, David |
Assitant Professor |
Ms |
Hernández Dorado, Ana |
Grantholder |
Recerca en Neurocomportament i salut |
Members |
Dr |
Colomina Fosch, Maria Teresa |
Full Professor (Coord) |
Dr |
Ribes Fortanet, Diana |
Assitant Professor |
Ms |
Biosca Brull, Judit |
Grantholder |
Ms |
Rodulfo Cárdenas, Rocío |
Grantholder |
Nutrició i Salut Mental |
Members |
Dr |
Canals Sans, Josepa |
Full Professor (Coord) |
Dr |
Hernández Martínez, Carmen |
Lecturer |
Dr |
Voltas Moreso, Núria |
Lecturer |
Dr |
Morales Hidalgo, Paula |
Assitant Professor |
Dr |
Huguet Roselló, Anna |
Lecturer |
Ms |
Vargas Pérez, Susana |
Grantholder |
Ms |
Kaur , Sharanpreet |
Grantholder |
Ms |
Rojo Marticella, Meritxell |
Grantholder |