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Research Center for Behavior Assessment |
Fact sheet
Entity profile |
The Research Center for Behavior Assessment (CRAMC) is made up of researchers from the Department of Psychology from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) in Tarragona. It is composed by seven research groups which all work collaboratively on several fields of health psychology and in the evaluation and measurement of behavior.
CRAMC Director: Dr Josepa Canals Sans
E-mail: cramc@urv.cat - Website: http://psico.fcep.urv.es/cramc/ Telephone: +34 977 257 895 |
Research lines |
The CRAMC's mission is to carry out quality research in the following research lines:
- ADHD: epidemiology and risks factors
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Epidemiology of child psychological problems
- Pregnancy and child neurodevelopment: the effect of prenatal nutrients and other risk factors
- Pediatric pain
- E-pain
- Factors associated with chronic pain and disability
- Assessment with people with pain
- Effects of organophosphorus pesticides on mental health and neurodevelopmental disorder
- Behavioral characterization of animal models for the study of cognitive processes and psychopathology
- Metabolic changes and obesity associated with environmental toxins
- Neuroinflammation and developmental disorders
- Language processing
- Bilingualism
- Human memory
- Neurotoxicology, psychopharmacology and neuropsychology
- Mindfulness and emotions
- Neurodegeneratives disorders, assessment and intervention
- Development of technical and psychometric methods in classical test theory and item response theory
- Research into the variables of personality predictors of aggressive behaviour
- Development of IT tools for analysing psychometric data
- Assessment of occupational health, human resources, innovation and entrepreneurship
- Occupational health
- Psychsocial risks
Research groups and coordinators: |
Coordinator: Dr Joan Boada Grau
Research expertise: Occupational Health
Coordinator: Dr Jordi Miró Martínez
Research expertise: Chronic Pain
GIP –Psycholinguistics Research Group
Coordinator: Dr José Eugenio Garcia-Albea Ristol
Research expertise: Measurement and Evaluation in Psycholinguistics
Coordinator: Dr Pere Joan Ferrando Piera
Research expertise: Scaling of Psychological Variables and Development of Questionnaires
Coordinator: Dr Josefa Canals Sans
Research expertise: Infant and Child Psychopathology: Evaluation, Risk Factors and Intervention
Coordinator: Dr M.Teresa Colomina Fosch
Research expertise: Neurobehavior on health
Coordinator: Dr Margarita Torrente Torné
Research expertise: Behavior, nervous system and neurotoxicolgy
margarita.torrente@urv.cat |
Scientific Production (last three years) |