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Research Center for Behavior Assessment |
16/04/2015 The CRAMC (Research Centre for Behaviour Assessment) is collaborating in the 8th Symposium on Human Resources on 5 May 2015. The symposium is being organized by the Tarragona Chamber of Commerce and the URV and will feature a paper delivered by Dr. Joan Boada Grau.
24/11/2014 The poster entitled "Estudio de los factores psicopatológicos, antropométricos y sociodemográficos relacionados con el grado de adherencia a la dieta mediterránea en una muestra comunitaria de adolescentes españoles" has been awarded fist prize by the IV Symposium Nacional de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud con Niños y Adolescentes, which was held in the city of Elche from the 13 to 15 November 2014.
27/10/2014 Dr Jordi Miró from the ALGOS research group has been awarded the prize for "research career in the field of pain" in recognition of his research in children's pain. The award was delivered by Fundolor (Valencia Foundation for the Study and Treatment of Pain).
17/10/2014 Dr. Jordi Miró from the ALGOS research group will coordinate the Ibero-American pediatric pain expert network. It’s a multidisciplinary network composed by Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Mexico, Portugal, Venezuela and Chile. Research groups from USA and Canada are also in the network. The aim of this network is to share resources, promote the training of professionals and collaborate in R+D+i.
13/10/2014 ALGOS website has obtained the WIS accreditation, awarded by the Evaluation Committee “PortalesMedicos.com”. The accreditation distinguishes the website as relevant to the general population interested in health information.
6/06/2014 First runner-up award from the VIII Premio Fibromilagia 2012 Fundación FF-SER. The award was for the project "Tratamiento Cognitivo-conductual para el dolor y la fatiga en jóvenes con fibromialgia administrado mediante telefonía móvil inteligente. Evaluación preliminar de la eficiencia de Fibroline".
6/06/2014 The poster entitled "Psychopathological factors associated with academic performance in early adolescence: three-phase prospective study" has been awarded FIRST PRIZE by the 59th Conference of the Spanish Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, which was held in the city of Santander form 29 to 31 May 2014.
27/05/2014 The ICREA Academy 2013 recognizes four URV researchers. They are Joan Maria Thomàs, Jordi Miró, Josep Domingo-Ferrer and Benjamí Iñíguez.
More in: http://wwwa.urv.cat/noticies/diari_digital/cgi/principal.pl?fitxer=noticies/noticia016115.htm 15/05/2014 A tool, Job In, predicts the most suitable candidates for a job. Developed in the Department of Psychology at the University Rovira and Virgili , it automatically selects the best candidates based on a set of questions related to attitudes and skills necessary for a quality job.
This tool is the result of a research of the Group Metodolo, from the Research Center for Behaviour Assessment ( CRAMC ), led by Dr. Jordi Tous, Department of Psychology at the URV. The company W3IS2 has collaborated in the software development. Job In has showed in Reus on the 15th May, within the conference organized by the Scientific and Technology Park (PCT) of Tourism and Leisure and also Activa Mútua 2008.
06/05/2014 The CRAMC (Research Centre for Behaviour Assessment) is collaborating in the 7th Symposium on Human Resources on 6 May 2014. The symposium is being organized by the Tarragona Chamber of Commerce and the URV and will feature a paper delivered by Dr. Joan Boada Grau.
19/06/2013 The CRAMC (Research Centre for Behaviour Assessment) is collaborating in the sessions organized by the Regional Service of the Camp de Tarragona region of the Public Health Agency on "Psychosocial risks and occupational health: measurement instruments and local experiences "
13/06/2013 Fiona Peris from the CRAMC's NEUROLAB researcher group has received a prize during the 14th International Neurotoxicology Association meeting for her presentation of poster entitled "Chronic oral exposure to low doses of clorpyrifos differentially affects physical and behavioural endpoints in ApoE2, ApoE3 and ApoE4 transgenic mice" .
23/05/2013 The ALGOS research group has been awarded the prize at the mHealth-Mobile World Capital Barcelona for the best mobile application presented during the 4 day conference on R+D+I in ITC and health in Girona with the project: "Painometer v2. Registre de l'avaluació del dolor mitjançant dispositius mòbils". More info:
17/05/2013 The ALGOS research group has received a runner-up prize during the 8th FM, Fundación FF-SER awards for research projects in Fibromyalgia. 07/05/2013 The CRAMC (Research Centre for Behaviour Assessment) is collaborating in the 6th symposium on Human Resources on 7 May 2013. The symposium is being organized by the Tarragona Chamber of Commerce and the URV and will feature a paper delivered by Dr Joan Boada Grau.
Notícies 10/04/2013 The URV's ALGOS research group, which carries out research into the treatment of pain, is teaming up with the pharmaceutical company Grünenthal to hold the second edition of the ALGOS Prize. The competition can be entered by companies or entities that have carried out work to combat infant pain. Candidates have until 30 April to enter.
More info: http://www.catradio.cat/audio/703471/La-maduresa-o-immaduresa-dels-joves 18/02/2013 On 13 February 2013, Dr Fàbia Morales was invited onto the "El Mirall" programme on Catalunya Ràdio to discuss maturity in adolescents and young people and a study carried out using PSYMAS maturity tests. More info: http://www.catradio.cat/audio/703471/La-maduresa-o-immaduresa-dels-joves 24/01/2013 On 24 January 2013 the Vanguardia newspaper published an article entitled "Thirty year-old adolescents: experts push back the age at which the young reach adulthood to 27". In the article, Dr Fàbia Morales and Dr Urbano Lorenzo (both CRAMC members) and the psychologist Ms Elisa Camps present a study in which they developed the PSYMAS maturity test. More info: http://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20130124/54362286259/expertos-retrasan-edad-jovenes-maduran.html 3/01/2013 Publication of the book Psymas: Psychological Maturity Questionnaire The manual "Psymas: Psychological Maturity Questionnaire” by the URV researchers Fàbia Morales, Urbano Lorenzo and Elisa Camps has been published by Tea Ediciones. The test measures the overall level of psychological maturity in adolescents and has also been published in the "European Journal of Psychological Assessment".
13/09/2012 Exposure to passive smoking also affects the neurodevelopment of babies An article published in the journal "Early Human Development" by the CRAMC Professors Carme Hernández, Victoria Arija, Joaquín Escribano and Josepa Canals has concluded that the neurodevelopment of an unborn baby can be affected if the mother is exposed to passive smoking.
More info : http://www.agenciasinc.es/Noticias/La-exposicion-pasiva-al-tabaco-tambien-afecta-al-neurodesarrollo-del-bebe |